Meet our amazing TimberVault Charity Abseiling team!

Derriford Hospital is in need of some help, so Team TimberVault has answered that call!

We have put together a team of volunteers to help raise money for this jewel of Plymouth!

Please help our team to get to our target of £1000 for the hospital!

Will Morse

Will Morse

Our intrepid event co-ordinator and Axe Marshal extraordinaire!

Will is one of our all-rounders.

You will find him teaching Axe Throwing, running our escape rooms, hosting a quiz or even pulling a pint or two! He may speak in code but his communication skills are unwavering. As the leader of this dynasty of daredevils, he shall be responsible for making sure the TimberVault flag soars high on Derriford.

Ben Martin

Ben Martin

Our Escape Room supervisor!

This is going to be a feat for our Ben as he hasn’t made a secret of the fact that he is very afraid of heights. 

“I’m doing this Abseil to help raise money in support of the hospital that continues to provide me with on going care for my type 1 diabetes”

Claire Cresswell

Claire Cresswell

A heart of gold and smiles for miles. A member of our fantastic Escape Room team. Claire has always strived for change for the greater good. Passionate for solving puzzles, she’s turned her focus to trying to help the less fortunate and raising money for a great cause.

James Haywood

James Hayward

James is one of our Axe Marshals. A mild mannered marshal until his flare for destruction overcomes his flame for scaling the tallest buildings he can. Only issue is, he can never get back down. He faces his biggest challenge in September when he must finally defeat…. Gravity.